Nuns and Associates, we are united by a « firm and burning desire” to deeply enter the mystery of love of the Heart of Jesus.
We find our identity, following Jean-Maurice Catroux and Rose Giet, in the gift of ourselves to work “for the greatest glory of God” by becoming images of Christ Jesus and “by serving Him in the person of the poor and the human beings in general”
The times of spiritual renewal, the times of prayer and sharing of a lived experience, permit each one to live the Gospel according to the charism of the Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Nowadays, the Institute counts more than four hundred Associates distributed into the various countries where the Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are living their mission.
The Spirit of Jesus-Christ has given rise to the Church as a sign and an instrument of the Kingdom, and at the heart of that Church, the same Spirit has given rise to the Congregation of the Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He entrusted to that one a mission which is expressed today in a common project of evangelization.
Associate Members of various ages and from very different life situations are attracted by the Heart of Christ. These persons are all animated by a desire to deepen their life of faith and commit themselves in the church. They are united to the Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by a bond of charity. Their commitment is defined in the Statutes established by the General Chapter.
Without being called to religious life, Associate Members participate with others in the mission of Jesus Christ according to the spiritual orientation of the Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their Project of Evangelization.
Together, Associates and religious, it is now up to us to search for ways to make the grace of our origins fruitful and to accomplish our mission more efficaciously.
While keeping their state in life, their place of residence and their various commitments,the Associate Members participate in the celebrations of the Congregation and thus nourish bonds of fraternity.
FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1