He comes through humility, charity, quiet gentleness, let us go towards Him the same way : otherwise we will not be able to meet Him.
Let us present ourselves
to Him, let us open
our hearts so that
His virtues may be
imprinted on them.”
Berulle, letter XXXIX
« Fille with the Holy Spirit,
Jesus was led by the Spirit through the desert”
Lc 4.
Holy Spirit,
Divine breath of my prayer,
inspire me
while I get in touch
the Word of God for this day.
« God gives us to dare approach Him, with all confidence,
through the way of faith in Christ.” Eph. 3,12.
« Lord, make me believe in You :
To have faith in order to see the daily graces that you grant me,
To have faith in order to thank you for the graces received,
To have faith in order to ask you to help me without doubting,
To have faith in order to hope for the things that I do not see,
To have faith just in order to love you in all circumstances
To have faith in order to continue living through difficulties. »
A prayer received
Grant me to enjoy its words and to welcome its calls to conversion.
May this Word, listened to, ruminated on, prayed and put into practice, come to evangelize the depths of my being.
Also keep my hands open to welcome my brothers
Here is the time when Jesus-Christ
comes to us, ,
Do we want to receive Him ?
Let us go through the way He comes !
"Get to the open sea, " Lc 5
Jesus lands in our life, ,
as He did in Peter’s,
how does Peter welcome Him ? what does he do ?
Let us not be afraid of what Jesus asks from us.
" Looking at his disciples » He said « Happy, you the poor :
the kingdom of God is yours !” Lc 6
Who am I in the eyes of Christ ?
The Word of God, as the days go by,
calls us to a process of faith.
J.M.Catroux nous invite à cela :
« We must have faith, we must believe with our heart. Believe with our heart, ... This conviction is founded and depends entirely on confidence in God ...
It is in His public life ... in order to inspire in men entire and absolute confidence in His word, that, letting Himself be moved by all their misfortunes, He wanted to pass in doing good to all of them, and comfort all of them ...
It was always with the same aim, that is, to straighten faith in the hearts of men, that He lavished his most brilliant miracles.”
Instruction on the need of faith for salvation, JM Catroux
To have faith in order to pray for all our brothers hurt by life,
Let us entrust the Heart of Jesus with the whole population of Haïti: Help us to look at our brothers with your eyes.
Help us to listen to their cries with your ears.
Help us to feel all their expectations with your Heart.
Open my intelligence to the Good News that it contains.
Let my whole being be listening to it.
Grant me to enjoy its words and to welcome its calls to conversion.
May this Word, listened to, ruminated on, prayed and put into practice, come to evangelize the depths of my being.
Also keep my hands open to welcome my brothers. P Prunier
FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1