It is to embark on the paths
of the Spirit,
to listen to the calls of God through situations,
events and persons.
In considering religious life as a pilgrimage, we are continually invited to live today with who we are, our richness and our limitations, with what we have, our human, spiritual, economic resources, without excessive worry for tomorrow.
To live in the world as a traveller, without permanent housing... To be ready to leave a place where one is comfortable, to dare to befriend another.
Apostolic availability and mobility
constitute two important aspects
of our vow of obedience.
A pilgrim does not settle down, s/he persues his/her search. It is the same in Consecrated Life, we strive to live without attaching ourselves to temporal goods.
Committed to the following of Christ,
we are sent to our brothers and sisters,
carriers of the Good News that we transmit to them
by our "pilgrim" travels in the world.
FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1