"A parish spirit is a characteristic trait of the Congregation. Most often, it takes the form of a discreet and significant insertion in the service of a population with all its diversity. " R.L. 1,8
The entire reality of our life as consecrated women draws its audacity in the mission of the Church, a mission that comes intrinsically from our baptism. It is because of our baptism that we participate in this mission begun by the Spirit of Pentecost. It is also our baptism that permits us to cooperate in the mission of Jesus. This is the origin, the foundation on which our mission finds its source. There it is nourished, at the very heart of the Mystery of the Trinity. As Church, we, with the people of God, experience communion, in the sacrament of salvation for humanity.
Love of the Father who gives himself totally to the Son
and the Love of the Father and the Son who in turn,
give themselves to the Spirit.
It is the Spirit who invites us to live our mission with audacity and dynamism at the heart of our own.
With our brothers and sisters, we want to rediscover the profound meaning of our mission as creatures, as baptised persons, in order to color our mission as consecrated women as expressed for us, FCSCJ and Associate Members, in a project of the Congregation.
“Consecrated persons are called to be a leaven of communion at the service of the mission of the universal Church by the very fact that the manifold charisms of their respective institutes are granted by the Holy Spirit for the good of the entire mystical body, whose upbuilding they must serve.” Vita Consecrata 47
welcoming the sisters in the parish of Ambohitompoina, Madagascar.
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FCSCJ - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus
Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1