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A daring project

ligth of dawn !



Une lumière paraît



Jean-Maurice Catroux and Rose Giet resolved therefore, to found a community of women, called to live passionately the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



Première croix des FCSCJ


Touched by the misery of his people


"But the Lord said: 
I have witnessed the affliction of my people in Egypt. 
I have heard their cry... I know well what they are suffering. 
I have comme down to rescue them. " Ex. 3, 7-8


  Ruines Ancien carmel de Montgeron

Father Jean-Maurice, a new inspiration in his parish, to respond to the needs of his milieu, calls one of his parishioners, Rose Giet.

Both of them, touched deeply by the physical, intellectual and spiritual misery engendered by the war of Vendée, searched for ways to stimulate the people to stand up and rebuild their lives in hope.



his is how they became 

the Founders of the Daughters 

of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



The Congregation of the Daughters of the Charity 

of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was born.

It was December 18, 1823.

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FCSCJ  - Filles de la charité du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus

Maison Provinciale FCSCJ
575 rue Allen
J1G 1Z1

